Regular eye examinations are important to ensure that your eyes remain healthy and that your vision remains optimal, especially as many eye conditions are treatable if caught early.
During your examination we will routinely test for common eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataract and macular degeneration. In addition, as eye examinations can be a good indicator of a patient’s general health we may be able to spot signs of conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
We have well-equipped, computerised consulting rooms, digital retinal and anterior eye cameras, a corneal topographer, computerised visual field analysers and also access to a wide range of clinical software to help us provide you with the best possible examination.
At the end of your consultation we will explain our findings, and if you have any questions, we will be more than happy to answer them for you.
Corry & Christie is one of only two practices in Grampian accredited to provide glaucoma referral assessments for the Eye Clinic at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
Since the introduction of the ‘Grampian Glaucoma Referral Refinement and Monitoring Scheme’ in 2004, the practice has carried out over 7,500 assessments for the Eye Clinic, helping to reduce glaucoma referral waiting times in Grampian from over 24 weeks to around 6 weeks.
Appointments at our Glaucoma Clinic can only be arranged by the Eye Clinic, but all Corry & Christie patients will receive a Glaucoma assessment as part of their Eye Examination (including where necessary the use of any of our specialist glaucoma procedures).

Corry & Christie is delighted to run the Aboyne Optician Service, a popular and busy weekly optician service operating out of Aboyne Hospital.
In the past few years we have invested in a wide range of equipment including a digital retinal camera and an automated visual field analyser allowing us to provide a wider range of services than ever before in Aboyne.
If you would like to be tested in Aboyne please contact us on 01224 631633 to arrange your appointment.